Lady Tigers prepare for 2011-2012 season opener
(High School Sports ~ 11/10/11)
The Mountain Home Lady Tigers open their 2011-2012 girls basketball season this weekend with games against Timberline and Eagle. Lady Tiger basketball coach Brent Keener likes the group of girls who turned out this year for basketball. "Our numbers were decent. ...
Bus company plans cuts to base route (Local News ~ 11/10/11)
The Treasure Valley Community Transit service expects to cut back on its route service from town to Mountain Home Air Force Base starting Dec. 1. Part of a cost-saving measure, the company expects to stop running the city-to-base route from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays... -
Australians arrested for poaching
(Local News ~ 11/10/11)
Three suspected Australian poachers were arrested last week on multiple charges and later booked into the Elmore County jail. Eleven charges have been filed against the men, with their combined bond set at $165,000. For the full story, pick up a copy of the Mountain Home News or click on this link to subscribe to the newspaper's online edition...
We have a winner... (Local News ~ 11/10/11)
Mountain Home News Ad Manager Miranda Hannah presents Sam Cherry with an assortment of prizes after he won the Tiger season Pigskin Pick'ems contest on the newspaper's website. Cherry won a pass for two for nine holes of golf at Carmela Vineyards, a gift certificate for a large one-topping pizza at Dominoes and the grand... -
Elmore County Sheriff's Office Activity Report for November 2-9, 2011
(Sirens ~ 11/10/11)
November 2 00:16 Vehicle Stop, American Legion Blvd 00:34 Extra, Airbase Rd 00:38 Vehicle Stop, Airbase Rd 00:41 Vehicle Stop 05:39 Traffic, I-84 EB MM83 06:14 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 67/Bypass 07:00 Vehicle Stop, I-84 Exit 122 07:02 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 51/Fallain Ln 07:20 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20/I-84 08:06 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM120 08:13 Vehicle Stop, Frontage Rd 09:33 Collision, Hit & Run, S18E 10:38 Collision, Hit & Run, S18E 10:40 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 67, Hammett 13:58 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30 13:58 Vehicle Stop, Frontage Rd/Bannock 15:04 Motorist Assist, Hwy 30 15:46 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30/Blanksma Hill 15:54 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30/Lucille Ln 16:13 Property Found, MH 17:24 Vehicle Stop, Bypass 17:28 Motorist Assist, Hwy 20, Tollgate 17:56 Subject Stop, Hwy 51 18:14 Hazard, Hwy 51/Beet Dump 18:30 Warrant, S18E 18:40 Motorist Assist, Hwy 20 MM103 19:28 Suspicious, Vera St 20:52 Info, Eveans Crk 21:03 Traffic, Old Hwy 30 21:33 Suspicious Circumstance, Hammett 22:35 Citizen Assist, NW Cedar Wy 22:49 Vehicle Stop, E4/American Legion Blvd 23:05 Traffic, I-84 EB MM84 23:20 Suspicious, MH. ...
Search teams find three hunters (Local News ~ 11/10/11)
The Elmore County Sheriff's Office and the county search and rescue team are searching for three hunters who have been reported to be overdue from a trip to Elmore County. The ECSO was notified Thursday morning that the three, a married couple from Boise County and a family friend from Eagle, had not returned home Wednesday night. They are believed to have left to go hunting on horseback in the North Fork of the Boise River and the Pete Creek drainage...
Stories from Thursday, November 10, 2011
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