Gas price update (Local News ~ 11/02/11)
The Mountain Home News tracks the price of gas locally so readers can monitor these changes. All figures are those stated on the indicated service station's reader boards. Special discounts available at some individual stations are not included in these listed prices. Readers should note that local retailers usually make only a few cents per gallon of gas sold. Most of the price hikes reflect the costs these stations bear when purchasing their gas wholesale... -
Ghoulish delights (Features ~ 11/02/11)
Witches, pirates and an assortment of heroes and villains gathered at the Hacker Middle School gymnasium Monday for an evening of fun and candy during this year's Super Safe Halloween Carnival. Costumed characters young and old were already lined up outside the middle school well before the doors opened to the public at 6 p.m., with about 600 people taking part in the festivities, according to parks and recreation spokesperson Crystal Anderson... -
Economic development office launches business directory (Local News ~ 11/02/11)
Responding to concerns of local business owners, the city's economic development office launched an initiative last week that seeks to help these shops and stores. During a meeting Oct. 24, the Mountain Home City Council approved plans to create the community's first-ever business directory -- a comprehensive guide listing every business in the local area... -
Semi crashes on interstate (Local News ~ 11/02/11)
A semi that rolled over near Mountain Home blocked at least one lane of I-84 for seven and a half hours Saturday. According to Idaho State Police, the crash occurred at approximately 10:45a.m. in the westbound lane of the interstate at mile marker 100 east of the city... -
Follow the rules for flag etiquette
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/02/11)
Dear editor: I'd like to offer "patriotic customs" regarding conduct and codes pertaining to the flag of the United States of America. It has been my personal observation that those in attendance at parades and/or gatherings where the flag is in procession do not know protocol of Old Glory and/or conduct during the rendition of the National Anthem. The National Anthem is the adopted song -- Star Spangled Banner -- Francis Scott Key 1814...
Schipani gets reader's vote
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/02/11)
Dear editor: I would like to endorse James "Jimmy" Schipani as a candidate for the upcoming Mountain Home City Council election on Tuesday. Nov. 8. I have known Jimmy since his early childhood. I believe he would be an excellent addition to the Mountain Home City Council...
Mother offers her thanks to men who aided her son
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/02/11)
Dear editor: On Sept. 30, my little boy, Gavin, 2, and I went for a quick shopping trip at the Mountain Home Walmart. When we arrived at the store, I noticed that my little boy was starting to run a temperature, not hot but just enough to begin to concern me. I told him that we would just get what we needed the most and then quickly go home. Within ten minutes time, my son had a seizure! He has never had one before nor have I ever witnessed one, so fear took over and I began to scream for help...
Economic development leaders back GF candidates
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/02/11)
Dear editor: The Southern Idaho Economic Development Organization (SIEDO) and Southern Idaho Rural Development are economic development entities working in cites from Rupert to Glenns Ferry. For more than one year, the Glenns Ferry Economic Development Committee (GFEDC) has been associated with these two organizations. Together, we have participated in presenting the Curry Grain Facility and the Idahoan Facility to potential outside investors...
Stewart, Crane deserve vote
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/02/11)
Dear editor: I would like to voice my support for the election of Traci Stewart and Alan Crane to the Glenns Ferry City Council. I have worked with both these individuals on the Economic Development Committee. They are tireless, enthusiastic, and diligent in working to attract business to our community. Both of them have extensive business backgrounds and have operated successful business enterprises...
Reader likes recycling plan
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/02/11)
Dear editor: I was very happy to read in the paper dated Oct. 19 -- headline reads "Allied Waste plans major changes in recycling." I recycle everything that is possible to recycle. I fill my blue bin every week. It is heavy to take to the curb. I have to drag it out there. But I do not want to fill the landfill...
Former resident dies in rollover on Danskin Road
(Local News ~ 11/02/11)
One person was killed in a single-vehicle accident Sunday evening near the intersection of Dankin Road and Canyon Creek Road in Elmore County. William P. Sauerland, 53, of Boise, formerly of Mountain Home, was a passenger and one of four occupants in the Chevrolet pick-up truck involved in the accident. He was ejected from the truck during the wreck and pronounced dead at the scene...
Two hurt when truck goes over embankment
(Local News ~ 11/02/11)
Two hunters from Washington state were seriously injured after their truck rolled down an embankment Saturday morning on Blacks Creek Road. Both men were driving a truck pulling a horse trailer carrying four horses on the rural roadway when the driver lost control about 15 miles south of Prairie around 7:30 a.m...
Elmore County Sheriff's Office Activity Report for October 26-November 1, 2011
(Sirens ~ 11/02/11)
October 26 01:00 Extra, Hwy 67 01:02 Extra, Airbase Rd 01:05 Extra, Hwy 67/Venable 01:35 Traffic, I-84 EB MM90 01:58 Suspicious, Hammett 02:08 Extra, Old Hwy 30 02:10 Extra, Old Hwy 30 06:17 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 67 06:56 Info, I-84 09:03 Motorist Assist, Airbase Rd 10:12 Collision, Personal Injury, I-84 WB MM121 10:38 Vehicle Stop, I-84 MM126 10:59 Collision, Property Damage, Hwy 20 MM134 11:17 Drug, Elmore County area 16:13 Traffic, Airbase/S5 19:02 Fire Alarm, American Legion Blvd 19:41 Civil Matter, Holly St 20:28 Traffic, I-84 WB MM136 20:55 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM105 23:11 Domestic, Eisenhower Cir 23:56 Domestic, Dawn Dr. ...
City council elections scheduled on Tuesday (Local News ~ 11/02/11)
Voters will go to the polls Tuesday in municipal elections in Mountain Home and Glenns Ferry. Unlike previous city elections, under a new state law that has the county administering all elections, the polling locations will now be the same sites used for general elections. In the past, for example, the city library was typically the only polling site for a city-only election in Mountain Home... -
Schools struggle to implement parts of Luna Plan (Local News ~ 11/02/11)
The Mountain Home School District, like others around the state, is struggling to meet the constraints and conditions imposed by the legislature this year when it approved the Luna Plan for school funding. One of the key provisions of the plan authored by state Superintendent of Education Tom Luna involved the use of technology in the classroom...
Stories from Wednesday, November 2, 2011
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