Death notice of Richard Nichols
(Obituary ~ 11/27/17)
Richard James Nichols, 65, of Mountain Home, passed away at his home on Sunday, Nov. 26, 2017. Arrangements are under the care of Rost Funeral Home, McMurtrey Chapel, in Mountain Home.
Brenda Daniel (Obituary ~ 11/27/17)
Monday evening, Nov. 20, God and the Devil played rock-paper-scissors to determine who took in the feisty soul of Brenda Janice Beckley Daniel, formerly of Mountain Home; she was our beloved wife, mother, companion, wrangler, ramrod, and friend. Brenda was born to Homer and Hazel Patterson Beckley at Eagle, Idaho, in May of 1945; Homer and Hazel were in their 40s, and Brenda was a welcome surprise. She was doted upon by her parents, Homer’s four brothers, and Hazel’s two sisters... -
Robert Fish (Obituary ~ 11/27/17)
Robert “Bob” Fish, 85, of Pine, Idaho passed away Nov. 19, 2017 at home following a fight with cancer. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, Dec. 2, 2017, at 11 a.m. at the South Fork Boise River Senior Center, in Pine. Cremation was under the care of Rost Funeral Home, McMurtrey Chapel... -
Ada McCune (Obituary ~ 11/27/17)
Ada Louise McCune joined our Heavenly Father and was reunited with her loving husband, Clarence “Mac” McCune in the early morning hours of Nov. 25, 2017. Ada was born to Carl and Sibyl Suhm on Dec. 21, 1925 in Alva, Oklahoma, the youngest of three children... -
Alberta Smith (Obituary ~ 11/27/17)
Alberta Rose Cussins Smith was born Sept. 13, 1927 in Cheyenne, Laramie, WY, to Albert Alvin Cussins & Rosalia Sophia Schmidt as their first child, hence her name, Alberta for her father and Rose for her mother. Bert spent most of her growing up in the community of Willowcreek, OR...
Stories from Monday, November 27, 2017
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