Awards banquet honors soccer squad
(High School Sports ~ 11/02/12)
The Mountain Home boys soccer teams held their awards banquet last Wednesday at the Mountain Home Junior High Commons Area and coaches handed out various awards. Earning the Most Valuable Player award for Tiger boys soccer was Jack Richelieu. The Outstanding Defender award went to Sergio Eulalio...
Talkin Tigers tops at season opener (Local News ~ 11/02/12)
The Mountain Home Speech and Debate Team started off the 2012-2013 debate season with a strong showing at the Metro Tournament at Capital High School in Boise last Saturday. The Talkin' Tigers earned top honors in both Public Forum Debate and Congressional Speaking as well as good results in Lincoln-Douglas Debate... -
Students raise $11,000 during yearly spell-a-thon (Local News ~ 11/02/12)
Students at Hacker Middle School raised more than $11,000 this month as part of a fundraiser that encourages academic excellence while benefitting their respective classrooms. The school's annual spell-a-thon started last month as fifth and sixth students prepared for a 100-word test based on high-frequency writing words middle school students use in normal conversations, according to Principal Nikki Cruser...
Stories from Friday, November 2, 2012
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