Board accepts junior high principal's resignation (Local News ~ 04/14/10)
Bill McCarrel, the principal at Mountain Home Junior High School, tendered his resignation to the Mountain Home School board following a closed-door hearing Wednesday night before the board. The board accepted his resignation and immediately named the school's vice principal to succeed him for the remainder of the year... -
Search for America's Next Top Model comes to Mountain Home (Features ~ 04/14/10)
The search for America's Next Top Model continued in Mountain Home as dozens of young women came to town Saturday to audition for the reality TV series. Held at the Mountain Home Auto Ranch, the casting call represented the first step these women face in their quest to earn a spot on the TV show... -
WECRD launches youth sports grant program
(Local News ~ 04/14/10)
The Western Elmore County Recreation District announced plans last week to launch a grant program to benefit local non-profit youth sports and recreation programs. In a special meeting April 8, representatives from various non-profit sports programs met with the recreation district board to iron out the details behind the Let's Play initiative...
Polarization clouds issues
(Column ~ 04/14/10)
The politics of polarization in this country has gotten completely out of hand. Both parties are responsible. Whichever one is out of power tries to demonize the other and do the best they can to make the other party look bad. Forget the job we elected them to do -- solve the nation's problems. It's clearly all about power...
Elmore County Sheriff's Office, Activity Report for April 7 - 13, 2010
(Sirens ~ 04/14/10)
April 7 00:16 Vehicle Stop, MH 04:58 Traffic, I-84 WB MM135 05:09 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM120.1 07:07 Vehicle Stop, MH 07:56 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30 08:17 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30 08:37 Stolen Vehicle, MH 09:52 VIN Inspection, MH 10:28 Abandoned Vehicle, MH 12:50 Civil Matter, Glenns Ferry 13:12 Hazard, I-84 EB MM109 14:19 Recover Stolen Property, Prairie 14:50 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM95 15:27 Collision Property Damage, Glenns Ferry 16:30 Threats, MH 16:41 Collision Property Damage 18:03 Suspicious Circumstances, MH 18:13 Juvenile Probation, MH 20:09 Civil Matter, MH 21:18 Fire, Other, MH. ...
UPDATE: Services set for Airman killed in Las Vegas (Local News ~ 04/14/10)
A 32-year-old Airman motorcyclist from Mountain Home Air Force Base died Saturday when he was struck by a car going the wrong way on U.S. Highway 95 in Las Vegas. Tech. Sgt. Jason Leigh, a repair and reclamation craftsman with the the 366th Equipment Maintenance Squadron, was hit by an elderly driver traveling south on northbound U.S. 95 shortly after 10 a.m. close to the Decatur Boulevard turnoff, according to the Nevada Highway Patrol...
Stories from Wednesday, April 14, 2010
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