Reading program will 'bug' kids (Local News ~ 06/26/08)
The Mountain Home Public Library will soon kick off its Summer Reading Program during the month of July. The theme for this year's event will be "Catch The Reading Bug" for kids and "Metamorphosis at your Library" for teenagers. Enrollment is open for the event and can be done anytime after June 23. ... -
Brushfire started by youth playing with lighter (Local News ~ 06/26/08)
A small brushfire that began near a house at 490 S. 18th East Street early Thursday afternoon, was fanned by the wind and quickly grew into a fire of several acres. The fire burned through a slash pile of wood and other debris in a ravine behind the house, catching the pile on fire, which resulted in a some significant flame and smoke in a localized area...
Stories from Thursday, June 26, 2008
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