Battlelab to close after ten years of service
(Local News ~ 07/26/07)
After a decade-long run of successful, money-saving Air Force initiatives the Air Warfare Battlelab here held its deactivation ceremony July 16. The Air Force will close all seven battlelabs across the service due to budget cuts with Mountain Home's battlelab officially closing Aug. 1...
Gunfighters stay fit with guidon runs (High School Sports ~ 07/26/07)
Gunfighters participate in a wing guidon run at MHAFB on July 20. Guidon runs take place the first and the third Fridays of each month and promote top-notch physical fitness. -
Duck Valley gets temporary power back; fires continue to rage nearby
(Local News ~ 07/26/07)
After being without electricity for the past seven days due to the unrelenting Murphy Complex Fire, residents of the Duck Valley Indian Reservation in Owyhee County experienced a sense of relief this morning when temporary power was restored to the area...
Stories from Thursday, July 26, 2007
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