Girl Scout Week (Local News ~ 03/20/24)
The Girl Scout flags flew in Mountain Home downtown in honor of Girl Scout Week. On Tuesday, March 12th, local Girl Scouts, including troop 968, and their many supporters gathered in City Hall council chambers for the proclamation of Girl Scout Week. Those in attendance included proud family members, local businesses, the mayor, and the ladies’ dedicated leaders and coaches... -
Get To Know Us! (Local News ~ 03/20/24)
Crystal Strong has been working for the Mountain Home Police Department for two and a half years as a specialist in law enforcement records. Crystal was born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas where she enjoyed all things outdoors whether it was hunting, fishing, or camping. ... -
Basque Mural (Local News ~ 03/20/24)
The Euskal Lagunak Mountain Home Basque Association board members met to present a donation to Artopia, the art club at Mountain Home High School. An MHHS Senior, Teagan Robertson, under the direction of art teacher, Brenda Raub, painted a mural for the newly renovated Basque Association building. The mural is a depiction of the Oak of Gernika (Gernikako Arbola) in the Basque Country in modern Spain, a place with rich cultural and historical significance to the Basques... -
Elmore County Hispanic Organization Scholarship (Local News ~ 03/20/24)
Elmore County Hispanic Organization is a non-profit organization designed to encourage Hispanic students to continue a post secondary education. If you are awarded a scholarship, you may be asked to attend ECHO’s Cinco de Mayo Celebration in Mountain Home, ID... -
BLM to conduct prescribed burns (Local News ~ 03/20/24)
BOISE, Idaho — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will conduct prescribed burns in southwest Idaho to reduce hazardous fuel accumulations, such as dry grass, limbs and shrubs through June, depending on weather, staffing, and ground conditions. These prescribed burns enhance landscape resiliency and increase firefighter and public safety by minimizing the risk of wildfires... -
POP-UP OVERSTOCK BOOK SALE!! (Local News ~ 03/20/24)
The Friends of the Mountain Home Public Library will be having a Pop-Up, one day only, overstock book sale on Friday, March 29, 2024. They have recently received a huge donation of books, and their storage room is bursting at the seams! Sale hours will be 9am to 5pm on Friday. The Book Sale will be in the Library (at 790 N. 10th E)... -
What Parents Don’t Know About Bullying Could Be Hurting Their Children
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/20/24)
OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma – (February 29, 2024) – There are many consequences of being bullied, most of which leave a lasting impression on the person and family members. While it can lead to poor self-esteem and withdrawal from school and everyday activities, it can also lead to self-harm and suicide. ...
Standing for Sensible Immigration Solutions: Why We Opposed House Joint Memorial 11 (Letter to the Editor ~ 03/20/24)
President Biden’s failure to address the crisis at our southern border is undeniably impacting Idahoans. As representatives of District 8, we’ve seen the disaster our country’s open borders have created and we share the frustration of our constituents. ... -
Stop the War on Voters! (Letter to the Editor ~ 03/20/24)
This session has been marked by a never ending stream of GOP-driven bills to erode Idahoans’ voting rights. It has to stop. It’s the Legislature’s job to serve voters, not silence them. Ballot initiatives are a popular, Constitutionally guaranteed right of Idaho citizens to pass a law directly when the Legislature won’t act. ... -
Rollover crash claims a life (Local News ~ 03/20/24)
The Idaho State Police are still investigating an accident that took place on Saturday, March 16th, at approximately 2:15pm. The driver of a 2003 Ford Expedition, was a 45 year old male from Filer. veling westbound on Interstate 84, when a rear tire blew. The vehicle left the roadway onto the right shoulder, rolling into a field before it came to a stop...
Stories from Wednesday, March 20, 2024
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