Idaho Joins $16 Million Multistate Settlements over Experian Data Breaches (Local News ~ 11/09/22)
Experian and T-Mobile also agree to improve Data Collection practices 11.7.22 - (BOISE) - Attorney General Lawrence Wasden announced today that Idaho, along with a coalition of other states, has agreed to two multistate settlements with Experian concerning data breaches in 2012 and 2015 that compromised personal information of millions of consumers nationwide. ... -
Food Drive November 1 - 15 (Local News ~ 11/09/22)
Mountain Home Junior High will be having a little friendly competition between classes to see who can bring in the most nonperishable food items to donate to the Bennett Mountain Food Pantry. If you have any food laying around that you would be willing to donate, we would sure appreciate it... -
Idaho Delegation Presses Defense Health Agency on Cancelled Prescription Contracts Hindering Veterans’ and Servicemembers’ Pharmacy Access (Local News ~ 11/09/22)
11.7.22 - Boise, Idaho -- Upon learning that the pharmacy benefit management organization that administers the TRICARE Pharmacy Program instituted changes that impact roughly 400,000 beneficiaries and cut out almost 15,000 pharmacies mostly in small communities, the Idaho Congressional Delegation pressed the U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Health Agency (DHA) to ensure adequate patient access for servicemembers and covered veterans... -
County Commissioners Meeting - November 4
(Local News ~ 11/09/22)
The Elmore County Board of Commissioners met Friday, November 4th in regular session. All but Commissioner Rogers were present for the meeting. They opened their meeting in the basement of the courthouse by approving a new agreement with the University of Idaho regarding the Elmore County extension office...
Avoid drowsy driving - get plenty of rest before hitting the road (Local News ~ 11/09/22)
With the end of Daylight Savings Time, AAA offers tips for staying alert, driving at night BOISE – (November 7, 2022) – With the end of Daylight Savings Time, AAA is reminding drivers to get plenty of rest before they get behind the wheel. According to the Idaho Transportation Department, driver fatigue was a factor in more than 400 single-car crashes last year, or about 5% of the total. But AAA says that could be just the tip of the iceberg... -
Video contest for Idaho teens addresses dangers of vaping (Local News ~ 11/09/22)
sponse to Idaho’s teenage vaping crisis, Idaho Public Television has launched a statewide campaign designed to provide awareness about the dangers of teen vaping. The KNOW VAPE campaign includes an anti-vape video contest for Idaho 13-to-18-year-olds... -
Honoring all who served (Local News ~ 11/09/22)
Distinguished American writer Joseph Campbell once contended, ““A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself”. Who better, then, could we designate as heroes, but the men and women who have sacrificed their comforts, freedoms, safety, and even lives, to defend our freedoms in times of war and peace... -
Local Elks host 100th annual convention (Local News ~ 11/09/22)
The 100th annual Idaho Elks Winter Convention kicked off on Friday morning at the Mountain Home Elks lodge. This event kickoff saw a color guard ceremony, a brief introduction and welcome from the mayor, and a speech from President of the Idaho State Elks Association, Bob Shaw. The convention brought together Elk members from across the state... -
Election Day and Veterans Day (Local News ~ 11/09/22)
Two important days to our republic are in early November—Election Day, this year on November 8, followed closely by Veterans Day on November 11. It is fitting we honor veterans and servicemembers so close to Election Day. Our right as Americans to self-governance, carried out through voting, has been secured by the bravery, sacrifice and strength of the extraordinary Americans we honor on Veterans Day. Idahoans can be proud that more than 115,000 veterans choose to make Idaho their home... -
NRCS Honors American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month with “Three Sisters” by Derek No-Sun Brown (Local News ~ 11/09/22)
BOISE, Idaho, Nov. 1, 2022 - The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), in honor of American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month, has dedicated a poster with art from Derek No-Sun Brown, entitled “Three Sisters.” American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month is observed from November 1 through November 30... -
State Swim Send-Off (High School Sports ~ 11/09/22)
There was a hardy bunch of individuals who braved the cold to give Maya McCray a great send off to state swim Friday, Nov . 4th. Maya placed 14th in the 50 free and is currently in 7TH place in the 100 butterfly with a time of 1:07.44. She advanced into the cancellation round in the 100 butterfly, which took place Saturday, Nov. 5th. She won the consolation round with a time of 1:06.11. She is now the Consolation Round Champion. Congratulations Maya!... -
2022 Heisman School Winners (High School Sports ~ 11/09/22)
Congratulation Sean Jackson. Jackson won the High School Heisman for MHHS. He will move on for the chance to become a state and national winner. Jackson has also committed to play baseball at Corban University. Congratulation Madi Keener. Keener won the High School Heisman for MHHS. She will move on for the chance to become a state and national winner...
Stories from Wednesday, November 9, 2022
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