Mayor addresses ‘sanctuary city’ controversy (Local News ~ 08/21/19)
On Aug. 12, the Mountain Home City Council met for their regularly scheduled meeting. After Mayor Rich Sykes established a quorum, he opened the public hearing for the Fiscal year 2020 budget, but no one wished to speak. Doug Meyer, who sits on the board of the Western Elmore County Recreation District, approached the Council asking for a partnership with city to get one pool built rather than two separate pools (a new city pool and the WECRD’s indoor pool). ... -
Schultz Hearings Continue in Murder II Case (Local News ~ 08/21/19)
In the multi-count case of Donald Schultz, the preliminary hearings resumed in the State of Idaho vs. the accused with Judge David Epis presiding. This was the result of several months of investigation in the missing person’s case of John Michael “Mike” Looney... -
Elmore and Owyhee Sheriff’s Offices involved in high speed chase
(Local News ~ 08/21/19)
On August 15th, 2019, at approximately 8:20 p.m., the Idaho State Police located a 2001 GMC Sierra pickup traveling northbound on State Highway 51 in Owyhee County, Idaho. This vehicle was identified as a vehicle which had led federal law enforcement officers with the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) on multiple high speed chases earlier in the evening. ...
Elections are around the corner, but what’s on the ballot? (Local News ~ 08/21/19)
Want to serve your community or are you worried about the direction things are going? Now is your chance to actively become involved. The deadline to file for an elected position in Elmore County is quickly approaching on Sept. 6, 2019. Right now the only two races getting much attention are the Mayoral race here in Mountain Home and that for Elmore County Sheriff. ... -
Card of Thanks (Letter to the Editor ~ 08/21/19)
A big thank you to the City of Mountain Home and the Street Department for the crosswalk on North 10th East and East 11th North to ensure the safety of the many kids who have to cross that busy intersection before and after school. Thank You Judy Lacks... -
Mountain Home’s Endless Summer Festival of Beer was a huge success (Local News ~ 08/21/19)
Community members gathered at Carl Miller Park on Aug. 17 for the third annual Endless Summer Festival of Beer. The event which attracts craft breweries and food vendors from around the state is fun for the whole family with music throughout the day, games and bounce houses for children to stay entertained. The festival is used as a way to raise funds for the City of Mountain Home’s Light the Forest display that goes up at the park each holiday season... -
Eugene Janoushek (Obituary ~ 08/21/19)
Eugene (Gene) was born August 16, 1938 in Gooding Idaho. He was the son of Amil and Libbie Janoushek. He died August 12, 2019 at home in Springfield Oregon of aggressive leukemia. He graduated from Mountain Home High School in 1956. He began working for Lloyd Waters and family at the Mountain Home Newspaper operating a Linotype machine. ... -
Death Notice - Warren Harold Tefft
(Obituary ~ 08/21/19)
Warren Harold Tefft, age 64, of Mountain Home, passed away at his home on August 12, 2019. Arrangements are under the care of Rost Funeral Home, McMurtrey Chapel.
Stories from Wednesday, August 21, 2019
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