Shortages in a trained work force stunts local economic growth (Local News ~ 04/04/18)
It is no secret that the City of Mountain Home's Economic Development Office and its county counterpart, Southwest Idaho Rural Development, have been pushing hard to bring more businesses and growth to our community. One of the most important factors a potential business looks at when moving into an area is the available workforce... -
City pitches Optimist Park Expansion project to P&Z (Local News ~ 04/04/18)
On March 19, Mountain Home's Planning and Zoning Commission met in front of a large crowd to hear the city's plans for expanding Optimist Park as a multi-use facility. Mayor Rich Sykes and Public Works Director Rich Uriquidi came before the commission to present the proposed project, which will include many new amenities.For the full story, pick up a copy of the Mountain Home News or click on this link to subscribe to the newspaper's online edition... -
A bounty of Easter cheer... (Local News ~ 04/04/18)
Naive but not discouraged: The hard truth
(Editorial ~ 04/04/18)
"It shouldn't hurt to be a child." This phrase, which is Idaho's slogan for child abuse awareness, is one I would like you to keep in mind this month. As true as it is, it isn't a cure-all for child abuse, and it never will be. I know this may be a depressing topic for some, but the most important subjects are, often, depressing. ...
Letter to the editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 04/04/18)
Dear Editor, A grand turnout at the chamber meeting March 26 standing room only and every person, excluding chamber and planning people, against the new downtown planning. The new plan was compared to the flow of traffic on the Airbase Road and American Legion Blvd. These two roads were developed about one hundred years after downtown. The businesses were set back off the road and had their own private parking and there is no street parking on these two roads...
Letter to the editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 04/04/18)
Dear Editor, I really enjoyed reading the article by Stephanie Root about the WWII Bomber that crashed in Mountain Home. I really think there should be a monument honoring that occasion, or at least a plaque of some kind. Come on, Mountain Home. That is HISTORIC. Eight people died and Jimmy Stewart even came. Wow. Thanks for printing the story...
Letter to the editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 04/04/18)
Dear Editor, After reading the mayor’s letter last week, it’s obvious that I confused Ms. Nevev with the representative from Horrocks Engineers. My sincerest apology for my mistake. I did comment last year on the first plan with angle parking and I went to the Open House showing the adopted plan of taking half the parking away. There’s got to be a way to at least keep the parking we have. I look forward to attending the next meeting...
Stories from Wednesday, April 4, 2018
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