Community ready for BRAC threat (Features ~ 06/05/13)
With massive funding cuts and a major drawdown of its force structure in the near future, the Department of Defense wants to launch another round of Base Realignment and Closures (BRAC). Congress, a year away from an election, has just rejected the president's proposal to do so in his 2014 Fiscal Year budget, with the House Armed Services Committee placing a provision in the bill that would prohibit DoD from planning for a BRAC this year... -
Patriot Thunder ride shatters record (Local News ~ 06/05/13)
Nearly 1,000 bikers from throughout the Treasure Valley gathered Sunday for the Fourth Annual Patriot Thunder ride from Meridian to Mountain Home. It's the largest charity event for bike organizations in the state, helping raise funds for Mountain Home Air Force Base's Operation Warmheart, the Wyakin Warriors Foundation, which helps severely disabled vets, and the Idaho Guard and Reserve Family Support Fund... -
Clay team support thanked
(Letter to the Editor ~ 06/05/13)
Dear editor: I would like to thank all the kids and parents with the Scholastic Clay Target Team of Mountain Home. With special thanks to Preston Shaw for his help. All the kids had a great time and won many awards on some cold windy days. Tanner Holmquist of Mountain Home also won many awards shooting for the Boise Team...
'Grumpy old white guy' doesn't like what's happening to his country
(Letter to the Editor ~ 06/05/13)
Dear editor: I'm just a grumpy old white guy, but am offended anyway at what's happening to America. I fully realize that in 2013, only Muslims, illegals, foreigners and minorities are allowed to be offended in a world where all Americans are villains, except when aid is needed...
Dopps rodeo tickets now on sale (Local News ~ 06/05/13)
Tickets are now on sale for the annual Daniel Dopps Memorial Rodeo, which will be held June 28-29 at Optimist Park in Mountain Home. The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association event brings some of the top rodeo performers in the region to try their hand against the stock of renowned contractor Slash T...
Stories from Wednesday, June 5, 2013
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