Honoring the Class of 2011 (Features ~ 06/01/11)
The rain finally subsided just 20 minutes before the ceremony started. For the first time in days, the sun broke through a break in the clouds with its light shining on the crowd that gathered at Tiger Stadium on Friday. Perhaps it was a symbol of things to come -- a fresh start and a new beginning after years of hard work. ... -
Patriot Thunder roars on Sunday
(Local News ~ 06/01/11)
Idaho Patriot Thunder will roll on Sunday, June 5, supporting The Wounded Warrior Project, the Idaho Guard and Reserve Family Support Fund and Mountain Home Air Force Base's Operation Warmheart, all charities focused on military families. This year's event will again start at High Desert Harley Davidson in Meridian at 11 a.m. ...
Expanded Memorial Day ceremonies honor vets (Local News ~ 06/01/11)
One of the largest crowds ever -- approximately 400 people -- turned out Monday to pay homage to the nation's honored dead during Memorial Day ceremonies at Mountain View Cemetery. Small American flags placed at the grave of veterans filled the cemetery, waving in the gentle breeze as speakers and organizations praised those veterans who died in combat or served and later passed on... -
Safe school route group to meet
(Local News ~ 06/01/11)
The Safe Route to School committee will meet Thursday, June 2, at 6 p.m. at the Mountain Home Public Library. The committee is working to explore making routes to schools safer, focusing primarily on identifying ways to improve walking routes for children attending East Elementary and Hacker Middle schools...
Cooks celebrate 50th (Anniversary ~ 06/01/11)
Roy and Rose Cook will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on June 4 with a special gathering of friends and family in Hammett. The event will be hosted by their children, Roy Cook and Robin Cameron, and their grandchildren, at 956 S. Humpherys Rd., beginning at 4 p.m... -
GOP leaders becoming too liberal
(Letter to the Editor ~ 06/01/11)
Dear editor: During trial a prosecutor cross examined an expert witness for the defense. He asked if he agreed with a quote after reading it on the record. The expert answered, "No." The prosecutor replied, "Well, you wrote it! It's in your book!" Not only did the expert not agree with his own researched opinion, but he did not even recognize it. He was discredited...
Some charter school facts
(Letter to the Editor ~ 06/01/11)
Dear editor: Just to set the record straight... 1. Charter schools are publicly funded schools (tuition free) and as such are required to follow all of the laws governing public schools. 2. Public charter schools do not choose students; students choose public charter schools because of their unique programs...
Seniors turned away from party
(Letter to the Editor ~ 06/01/11)
Dear editor: The Senior Celebration left a bad taste in my mouth. I thought that the reason for this function was to keep graduates safe and help keep them away from drinking. This function should not be so structured as to prevent a graduate from attending just because they did not get registered by the Friday preceding the event...
Elmore County Sheriff's Office, Activity Report for May 18-24, 2011
(Sirens ~ 06/01/11)
May 18 03:47 Traffic, I-84 WB MM114 08:00 Abandoned Vehicle, GV Hwy 08:01 Abandoned Vehicle, Old Hwy 30/Frontage 08:20 Animal, Old GV Hwy 09:35 Motorist Assist 09:39 Hazard, I-84 EB MM78 10:29 Suspicious, Old Oregon Trail Rd 10:45 Assist 11:57 Suspicious, Hwy 20 MM101 13:46 Traffic, Hwy 30 14:46 Traffic, Airbase Rd 15:24 Motorist Assist, Grand View 15:28 Motorist assist, Hwy 20 MM109 15:42 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20 MM107 16:19 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM121 16:41 Assist, N11E 16:46 Harassment, Wright Pl 17:00 Vehicle Stop, Airbase Rd 18:23 Vehicle Stop, MH Reservoir 19:34 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM97.5 20:39 Vehicle Stop, Airbase Rd 20:43 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30 20:50 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 30 22:20 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 67 22:20 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM102.5 23:10 Traffic, I-84 EB MM91. ...
Elmore County Sheriff's Office, Activity Report for May 25-31, 2011
(Sirens ~ 06/01/11)
May 25 04:39 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM104 06:10 Assist, I-84 WB MM76 07:16 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM86 07:56 Animal, Wright Pl 08:33 Animal, Reservoir Rd/N18E 09:15 Medical, E8N 10:46 Animal, MH 11:19 Civil, Foster Ave 13:49 Traffic, Old Hwy 30 15:14 Abandoned Vehicle, Contrail 15:24 Hazard, S Main/S18 16:14 Vehicle Stop, Simco Rd 16:27 Assault, W6S 17:20 Hazard, I-84 EB MM108 18:10 Hazard, Chestnut St 19:53 Utility, Hammett 22:54 Collision, Unknown, I-84 EB MM90. ...
Marsha MacMillan (Obituary ~ 06/01/11)
Marsha I. MacMillan, 50, of Mountain Home, passed away peacefully at home on May 27, 2011, after a long battle with cancer. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m., on Saturday, June 4, at the American Legion Hall, Post 26, in Mountain Home. Cremation was under the direction of Rost Funeral Home, McMurtrey Chapel...
Stories from Wednesday, June 1, 2011
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