Good weather draws crowds to October event (Features ~ 10/06/10)
"Don't nobody move!" The pair of desperados made their move just as the passenger wagon stopped at the local street corner. Firing their six-shooters overhead, their intent to rob the men and women of their money and jewelry seemed all too clear. With the sheriff nowhere in sight, the robbery abruptly ended as a pair of women drew their concealed pistols and took aim. One of the men hollered in agony as the warning shot appeared to graze his leg... -
City moves forward on water hike (Local News ~ 10/06/10)
A proposed water rate hike for residences and businesses in Mountain Home met with unanimous approval during a city council meeting Sept. 27. The revised ordinance includes a 25 percent increase on monthly water usage bills, including a $4 increase to the basic rate that brings the minimum payment to $15.60 per customer... -
Fire department hosts annual open house
(Local News ~ 10/06/10)
The annual fire department open house will be held this Thursday, Oct. 7. The event, which takes place each year during national Fire Prevention Week, features rides for children on the fire trucks. Rides and other activities begin at 5:30 p.m. and last until 8:15 p.m...
Lucille Wilson passes away at age 92 (Local News ~ 10/06/10)
Lucille Arkoosh Wilson, 92, of Hammett, passed away peacefully on Thursday Sept. 30, 2010, at her home, while surrounded by family and close friends. A rosary will be held at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 3, at Our Lady of Limerick Catholic Church. A funeral mass will be held at 11 a.m., on Monday, Oct. ... -
Advanced voter registration ends Friday (Local News ~ 10/06/10)
Following Tuesday's deadline to submit write-in candidates for November's general election, county officials continue to accept voter registrations and absentee ballot requests for the upcoming vote. Citizens have until 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8, to register for the general election and to submit requests for mail-in ballots. After that date, those still wanting to participate in this election must vote in person using an absentee ballot... -
Elmore County Sheriff's Office, Activity Report for Sept. 22-28, 2010
(Sirens ~ 10/06/10)
September 22 03:23 Abandoned Vehicle, Hwy 30 08:59 Domestic, MH 09:50 Traffic, I-84 WB MM123 11:18 VIN Inspection, N18E 13:44 Motorist Assist, Bypass Rd 14:03 Motorist Assist, Hwy 20 MM102 14:28 Hazard, I-84 WB MM110 15:39 Theft, Wilson Cir 15:50 Welfare, Ditto Crk Rd 16:18 Vehicle Stop, Canyon Crk/Hwy 30 16:19 Vehicle Stop, American Legion Blvd 17:14 Animal, MH 18:23 Collision Unknown, I-84 Exit 129 18:56 Animal, Hwy 20 MM102 20:25 Vehicle Stop, Bypass Rd. ...
Stories from Wednesday, October 6, 2010
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