Elmore County Sheriff Department Activity Report for August 6 - 12, 2008
(Sirens ~ 08/15/08)
August 6 04:04 Break In 06:43 Vehicle Stop 06:50 Vehicle Stop 10:53 Suspicious 10:57 Theft 14:15 VIN 14:41 Traffic 15:32 Theft 15:33 Vehicle Stop 17:42 Runaway 19:14 Motorist Assist 19:31 Assist 19:53 Motorist Assist 20:07 Motorist Assist 22:17 Assist 23:11 Hazard...
Fire triggers campground closures
(Local News ~ 08/15/08)
An interagency Wildland Fire Use Team will arrive today to assist the Fairfield Ranger District with the management of the Barker Wildland Use Fire. The team comes from all areas of the country and has experience managing Wildland Fire Use events. The Incident Commander is Kim Soper...
Conservator helps museum staff (Local News ~ 08/15/08)
The Mountain Home Historical Society recently received a National Endowment for the Humanities grant to assist the museum with immediate preservation concerns and establish long-range plans for the Mountain Home Museum collections. Through the NEH grant, the museum was able to bring in Diana Hobart Dicus, a conservator from Boise... -
Library ends 2008 summer reading program (Local News ~ 08/15/08)
A total of 286 youths participated in the Mountain Home Public Library's Summer Reading Program. Participants were entered into several drawings. Winners of the drawings were: The other big winner at the library was Emily Cates. During the summer there were four special statements on the library website, one for each family night... -
Blues festival kicks off Saturday, Aug. 16
(Local News ~ 08/15/08)
Following last year's successful premiere, the Great Basin Blues Festival returns to Mountain Home on Aug. 16 at Optimist Park with gates opening at 11:30 a.m. and the event beginning at 1 p.m. The festival showcases the best blues artists in the world, including T-Model Ford, Cadillac John, Cedric Burnside, Lightnin' Malcolm, Bill Abel, Monroe Jones, Carl Holmes and the B-3 Side, Sirah Storm and the Blue Tail Twisters, and the Lara Price Band...
Stories from Friday, August 15, 2008
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