Death Notice - Veola Ann Shenk
(Obituary ~ 08/23/23)
Veola Ann Shenk, 52, of Hammett, passed away Tuesday August 15, 2023. Arrangements handled by Rost Funeral Home.
Death Notice - Jerry Lee Roby
(Obituary ~ 08/23/23)
Jerry Lee Roby, 86, of Grandview, passed away Monday August 21, 2023. Arrangements handled by Rost Funeral Home.
2023 AFAD Grand Marshal announced (Local News ~ 08/23/23)
At a Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce Luncheon on Monday August 21, Kelley Creamer was announced as the 2023 AFAD Grand Marshal. Creamer is a past Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who has volunteered at AFAD since 1997 when he peeked his head into a washroom looking to help wash pots and pans...
Stories from Wednesday, August 23, 2023
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