St. Lukes Children's Hospital now a pediatric trauma center (Local News ~ 06/15/22)
6.13.22 - Boise – St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital, Idaho’s only children’s hospital, has been recognized for the first time as a Level 2 Pediatric Trauma care facility by the American College of Surgeons. The achievement recognizes St. Luke’s pediatric trauma center's dedication and delivery of excellence in caring for injured pediatric patients in Idaho... -
The “Bird Flu” has Been Detected in Idaho (Local News ~ 06/15/22)
Did you know that there are 3,791 poultry farms throughout Idaho, with 70 of those being in Elmore County? This is important because the United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) confirmed that a highly pathogenic Avian Influenza virus has been detected in Idaho. Other outbreaks of this virus and disease have occurred in Asia, Africa, North America, and parts of Europe... -
7 Behavioral Health Tips for Older Adults (Local News ~ 06/15/22)
(StatePoint) Older adults experiencing a behavioral health issue such as anxiety or depression may be embarrassed and think they simply need to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps,” but helping them seek help can empower them to live their best lives, according to experts... -
CDC Rescinds Order Requiring Negative Test Prior to Flight to the US (Local News ~ 06/15/22)
Today, CDC is announcing that the Order requiring persons to show a negative COVID-19 test result or documentation of recovery from COVID-19 before boarding a flight to the United States, will be rescinded, effective on June 12, 2022 at 12:01 AM ET... -
Risch “Flatly Opposed” to Dam Breaching (Column ~ 06/15/22)
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho) issued the following statement regarding the draft report on breaching the four hydroelectric dams on the lower Snake River, commissioned by Washington State Democrats Senator Patty Murray and Governor Jay Inslee:... - Mountain Home Police respond to incident on SE Freedom Circle (Local News ~ 06/15/22)
Terri Jo Wilkins (Obituary ~ 06/15/22)
Terri Jo Wilkins was born at Langley AFB, Virginia, to Jack and Donna Taiclet on October 8, 1958, and passed on June 3, 2022. Terri was a loving wife, mother and friend to everyone who was fortunate enough to know her. In 1974, she married Bryan Wilkins, who she met in Turkey, and they remained married until her passing. ...
Stories from Wednesday, June 15, 2022
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