F&G proposes Unit 14 hunt changes in response to Chronic Wasting Disease (Local News ~ 02/23/22)
People can comment on proposed changes between Feb. 22 and March 13 Idaho Fish and Game Commission will consider proposed hunting season changes for Unit 14 in response to five deer and an elk testing positive for Chronic Wasting Disease. Hunters and other interested parties can comment on the proposals starting Feb. 22, and the deadline to comment is March 13. The commission is scheduled to decide on changes at its March 23-24 meeting at 600 S. Walnut St. in Boise... -
B.P.O.E. celebrates 154th Anniversary (Local News ~ 02/23/22)
The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks was founded on February 16, 1868. Local Elks Lodges throughout the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and the Panama Canal celebrated 154 years of community service on February 16th. The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks has made more than 12 Billion in donations since they first started 154 years ago... -
Potential Snow Mold Problems This Spring in Elmore County? (Local News ~ 02/23/22)
As with any organism on our planet, cool season turfgrasses may also experience potential infections, diseases or problems from naturally occurring pathogens in the environment. Turfgrasses established in home landscapes, parks and/or golf courses are susceptible to a pathogen and fungal disease known as snow mold. It’s important to recognize the Disease Triangle (Figure 1) when identifying and using management tactics regarding snow mold infections in turfgrass landscapes... -
Parents of infants: Urgent recall issued for infant formulas (Local News ~ 02/23/22)
Feb 18, 2022 - Abbot Laboratories announced Thursday, Feb. 17, it was recalling powdered infant formulas (including Similac, Alimentum, and EleCare) made at a facility in Sturgis, Michigan, after four consumers complained about bacterial infections in infants who consumed the products... -
Letter To The Editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 02/23/22)
Dear editor, I’ve been thinking a lot about the constitution and what it means. When you sign up for the military, for instance, you take an oath to defend the constitution. Against enemies foreign and domestic. With the sirens state of affairs I wonder if anyone else has ever read said document or knowingly signed. Did they sign under distress? Idk. Maybe some ex military in town could help me understand...
Don’t Delay. Test Soon and Treat Early (Local News ~ 02/23/22)
If you test positive for COVID-19 and have one or more health conditions that increase your risk of becoming very sick, treatment may be available. Contact a health professional right away after a positive test to determine if you may be eligible, even if your symptoms are mild right now. Don’t delay: Treatment must be started within the first few days to be effective... -
Addressing bullying Behavior (Local News ~ 02/23/22)
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. According to the Idaho Internet Crimes against Children, before you take action, find out what happened, Be sure the problem you are addressing is bullying. ... -
Happy 100th Birthday - Helen Loughran (Local News ~ 02/23/22)
Born in Richwood, West Virginia on February 28, 1922. Helen arrived at 6 am when the whistle blew for the miners to go to work. She has said that her dad wasn’t happy he got a girl for he had made bets that she’d be a boy! Helen attended Priest River High School in Idaho. She and a long-time friend were the first Majorettes at the school, she also played violin in the orchestra...
Stories from Wednesday, February 23, 2022
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