Hypocrisy Has No Place In Leadership
(Letter to the Editor ~ 07/14/21)
One of the worst habits leadership can get themselves into is the need to point out everyone else's faults while making excuses and exceptions for their own. When leadership puts more emphasis on other’s faults and failures, all the while ignoring their own, leadership loses. ...
Support Idaho Patriot Thunder
(Letter to the Editor ~ 07/14/21)
Great citizens and patriots of Mountain Home, your military orders have arrived! On the morning of July 25th, I will be riding with up to 1,000 other motorcycles through our great town, en-route to Carl Miller Park. The 11th Annual Idaho Patriot Thunder, Idaho’s largest motorcycle ride, will commence to raise thousands of dollars to assist our military families who provide a life of freedom and liberties that we enjoy, yet sometimes take for granted. ...
Reader encourages using less water
(Letter to the Editor ~ 07/14/21)
I moved to Mountain Home a year ago. I came because there was no other place to go. I like to live here, lots of good thing have happened for me. I love this little city, but I think things could be better. We live in a desert. Water is not cheap. Xeriscaping might be a good idea. Drought tolerant plants could be used with would need less water...
Streetwalkers say Thank You
(Letter to the Editor ~ 07/14/21)
I take great pleasure in writing this letter to thank everyone who donated this year to the Fourth of July fireworks display. This community is so generous and responsive to the Streetwalkers who walk the streets from the middle of March until the fourth of July to experience the pleasure of seeing the annual celebration of our Country’s birth of a nation in such a spectacular fashion. ...
Publisher's Pen - Taco Johns (Editorial ~ 07/14/21)
So, all the talk Thursday morning, July 8th was that Taco Johns was closed, after a FB posting Wednesday showing the “permanently closed” on the drive-thru had shown up. It then took to the express lane of comments on the social media highway. What happened to one of the few remaining in the Treasure Valley and a local favorite if for nothing else than those crispy salty Potato Ole’s?...
Stories from Wednesday, July 14, 2021
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