Preparing Your Lawn for Fall, Winter and Spring (Local News ~ 11/08/19)
It’s that time of year - the time for crockpot soups, pumpkin pies, fall decorations and countless mini-sized candy bars. As the Earth slowly tilts away from the sun it brings on cooler weather, precipitation and shorter days. The reduction in sunlight hours and intensity causes all of our deciduous trees to turn their leaves a red/orange/yellow color and to produce an essential plant hormone, abscisic acid, which, results in the dropping of leaves from the tree... -
MHHS Novice Debaters turn in strong showing at Borah Novice Tournament (Local News ~ 11/08/19)
Another new group of first-time debaters at Mountain Home High School turned in a strong performance last Friday at the Borah Novice Debate Tournament in Boise as half of the 16 teams turned in a 3-1 record or better at the tournament. The Novice Talkin’ Tigers were led by the Public Forum team of Krysten Hope and Andrea Morales who won all four of their debates to earn a First Place Medal...
Stories from Friday, November 8, 2019
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