WECRD gives updates on Plans for a Pool and fate of Railroad Park (Local News ~ 07/07/18)
The monthly WECRD meeting began by discussing treasury reports and possible changes to certain budget lines. The board discussed possibly paying for subscriptions to the Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce as well as Military Affairs for another source of marketing on top of using the Mountain Home News... -
Tiger Tennis Team hosts yearly youth camp (High School Sports ~ 07/07/18)
The MHHS Tiger Tennis team hosted a 2-week, 4 session tennis camp at Aguirre park tennis courts from June 11 - 22, 2018. This is the tennis team's primary fund raiser for the year. Twenty-two kids ranging in age from 4 years to 17 years participated. For the full story, pick up a copy of the Mountain Home News or click on this link to subscribe to the newspaper's online edition...
Stories from Saturday, July 7, 2018
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