Traffic stop results in bust (Local News ~ 05/16/18)
Emergency responders team up for drill (Local News ~ 05/16/18)
On the morning of May 11 personnel from the Elmore County Sheriff's Office, Mountain Home Police Department, Mountain Home Fire Department, St. Luke's Elmore, and the Mountain Home Air Force Base teamed up for an emergency response training drill at Railroad Park... -
Wagons Ho! (Local News ~ 05/16/18)
Last week all the local elementary schools' fourth grade students participated in the annual Wagons Ho event at Carl Miller Park. The students spent the day traveling back in time to life as a pioneer. Stations were set up all over the park where they learned the many different aspects of frontier life and then got to sample foods cooked over a fire and served from a chuck wagon. ... -
Publisher's Pen
(Editorial ~ 05/16/18)
I am happy to announce that Stephanie Root has accepted the position of Editor for the Mountain Home News. I am always happy when current staff takes the opportunity to step up and promote within. Stephanie has shown her willingness to learn and expand on her responsibilities here at the Mountain Home News, so if you see her here, there and everywhere it seems for her these days, be sure to congratulate her. ...
Thank You Mountain Home
(Letter to the Editor ~ 05/16/18)
As many of you know, June and I experienced a devastating fire to our home on February 2nd, 2018. The Fire Department arrived promptly and did a tremendous job fighting and saving as much as possible. We lost most everything, but they were able to save a lot of treasured mementos and pictures...
Reader wants barrier
(Letter to the Editor ~ 05/16/18)
I have lived in MH for 39 years about one mile from RT.84. With the increase of tractor trailers so is the LOUD tire noise. I don’t complain much but it’s out of hand. It’s so annoying. The exhaust baffling around the main exit reverberates terribly. ...
Stories from Wednesday, May 16, 2018
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