Carriers celebrate 70th anniversary (Anniversary ~ 03/05/14)
Seventy years ago, Robert and Eileen Carrier fell in love and were married in Ontario, Ore., on March 1, 1944. They celebrated their honeymoon at Castle Hot Springs, Ariz., for three weeks before returning to WWII. They have been living in Mountain Home for 30 years... -
Time to vote Democratic
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/05/14)
Dear editor: Twenty years of Republican leadership in the Idaho Statehouse have not served us well. Two areas of vital concern to all Idahoans are the economy and education. Yes, the governor and our legislators talk about the importance of improving the economy and providing quality education for our children. But actions speak louder than words and their actions do not paint a pretty picture...
America is for all of us, not just one voice
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/05/14)
Dear editor: I just want to convey my admiration of Mr. Jim Bird's recent letter. It was funny and very intelligent. For months, about eight or nine since my last letter, Mr. Bradbury has had his right wing looney rants go unchecked. Are people afraid of this guy or what?...
Bird's response was a distortion
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/05/14)
Dear editor: Interesting letter by Jim Bird. I haven't seen that much distortion since the last "State of the Union." Gotta give him this much, though, he at least had the moxie to put it in LTE forum, where he had to use his real name, rather than hide under a blog handle like a lizard under a rock. ...
How concepts of justice are manipulated
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/05/14)
Dear editor: Is our criminal justice system being used as a political instrument to enforce a transformational narrative -- one that divides the population, grows The State, transfers wealth and outlaws dissent? Do you recall the name, Mike Nifong? He was the elected prosecutor who filed charges in the Duke University Lacrosse team's rape hoax...
School levy goes to voters Tuesday (Features ~ 03/05/14)
Voters in the Mountain Home School District will go to the polls Tuesday, March 11, to decide whether or not to renew the existing supplemental levy for the district. Like the levy approved by the voters two years ago, the current request calls for $2.7 million each year for the next two years... -
Chamber committee seeks to train workforce (Local News ~ 03/05/14)
A newly formed committee is setting its sights on fostering job training while helping prepare teens and young adults for the challenges of entering the work force in Mountain Home. The Chamber of Commerce created the education work force development committee in December with the group holding its first meeting in January... -
Hometown heroes night (Local News ~ 03/05/14)
Tech. Sgt. Phillip Horton from the 266th Range Squadron at Mountain Home Air Force Base reads a story to students from East Elementary School during a "hometown heroes" event Feb. 26. Police officers, fire fighters, sheriff's deputies, search and rescue team representatives, paramedics and airmen from the local Air Force base gathered at the school to showcase their equipment to students while encouraging them to read... -
Correction to Bruneau Grand View Levy Ballot (Local News ~ 03/05/14)
The second page of the Bruneau-Grand View School District ballot for the March 11 supplemental levy election was incorrectly published in this week's Mountain Home News. A link to the correct ballot can be found here: http://www.mountainhomenews.com/sample-b...... -
Vera Later (Obituary ~ 03/05/14)
March Vera Mae Nelson Later, age 87, passed away March 4, 2014, in American Fork, Utah, surrounded by loved ones. Born Sept. 22, 1926, in Logan (College Ward) Utah to Joseph Wesley and Martha Stender Nelson, she was raised on a dairy farm with six siblings where she learned the value of hard work.
Stories from Wednesday, March 5, 2014
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