Death notice - Audrey Sherman
(Obituary ~ 04/18/12)
Audrey Lou (McMillan) Sherman, 81, of King Hill, passed away at her home on Tuesday, April 17, 2012. Arrangements are under the direction of Rost Funeral Home, McMurtrey Chapel.
Death notice -- William Arbaugh
(Obituary ~ 04/18/12)
William "Bill" I. Arbaugh, 87, of Boise, formerly of Glenns Ferry, passed away at a Boise hospital on Tuesday, April 17, 2012. Arrangements are under the direction of Rost Funeral Home, McMurtrey Chapel.
Draft report released on Saudi air force plan (Features ~ 04/18/12)
A draft document released by Air Force officials earlier this month formally named Mountain Home Air Force Base as the preferred location for a new foreign military training mission. The initial environmental assessment produced by Air Combat Command headquarters in Virginia outlines a plan to station a Royal Saudi air force unit at the local base as part of a five-year agreement... -
Colonel reflects on his time as 'Gunfighter 1' (Local News ~ 04/18/12)
It was an era marked by two years of uncertainty and historic milestones. Looming on the horizon were potential changes that could revolutionize the Air Force's presence in Mountain Home or lead to drastic cutbacks. Through it all, the commander at Mountain Home Air Force Base admits it was a privilege to lead such a dynamic base and an outstanding group of men and women in a community known for its unwavering support... -
Absentee voting starts
(Local News ~ 04/18/12)
In-person absentee voting began last week at the Elmore County Courthouse for the May 15 primary. No one may receive a ballot unless they declare themselves affiliated with a political party or declare themselves to be unaffiliated, according to Vivian Garcia from the county elections office...
Election 2012: Local candidates highlight issues (Local News ~ 04/18/12)
In the weeks leading up to the May 15 primary election, the Mountain Home News will spotlight those running for local, state and federal office. Information on each candidate is based on questionnaires submitted by the newspaper staff to each individual. -
Our service members deserve much better
(Editorial ~ 04/18/12)
The telephone operators are gone. An office dedicated to helping people pursue higher education is down to a skeleton crew. Custodial services in many work centers were also curtailed. For service members stationed at places like Mountain Home Air Force Base, these are just the "minor" inconveniences they've had to deal with as the nation struggles with a crippling deficit with no solution in sight. It doesn't begin to capture the more "painful cuts" airmen here have dealt with in recent months...
Corder deserves our support
(Letter to the Editor ~ 04/18/12)
Dear editor, I have known Tim Corder for more than 30 years; first as a friend, neighbor and fellow farmer, and now as a Senator. Tim and Lavonne didn't start out with much, but with hard work and sound and conservative decision making, they managed to maneuver through some pretty tough times when others didn't make it...
Elmore County Sheriff's Office Activity Report for April 11-17, 2012
(Sirens ~ 04/18/12)
April 11 08:03 Traffic, I-84 EB MM87 08:33 Trespassing, Desert Wind Rd 10:13 Hazard, I-84 WB MM86-87 11:31 Vehicle Stop, American Legion Blvd 12:00 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM96 12:23 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM102 12:26 Vehicle Stop, MH 12:48 Animal, Reservoir Rd 12:55 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM104 13:02 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM98 13:11 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM101.5 13:17 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM89.5 13:24 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM101 13:30 Animal, Old Hwy 30 13:40 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM95 13:42 Brush Fire, South of Pine 13:50 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM90 13:53 Suspicious Circumstance, Pleasant Acres Cir 13:59 Extra, MH 14:04 Assist, MH 14:25 Vehicle Stop, I-84 Exit 90 14:27 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM81 14:40 Assist, S3W B 14:50 Traffic, I-84 WB MM99 15:07 Utility, N Pine-Featherville 15:21 Motorist Assist, I-84 Exit 90 15:31 VIN Inspection, Gridley Dr 15:33 Vehicle Stop, I-84 EB MM101 16:50 Vehicle Stop, American Legion Blvd 16:53 Vehicle Stop, I-84 Exit 99 17:28 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM99 17:38 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM97.5 17:53 Vehicle Stop, I-84 Exit 99 18:22 Vehicle Stop, Hwy 20/Veterinary Dr 18:57 Vehicle Stop, I-84 WB MM102 19:33 Motorist Assist, NE Frontage Rd 20:27 Vehicle Stop, E4N 20:55 Theft, MH 22:00 Vehicle Stop, NE Narrows/Canyon Crk 22:28 Vehicle Stop, American Legion Blvd. ...
Stories from Wednesday, April 18, 2012
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