Women's History banquet tickets on sale.
(Local News ~ 02/17/09)
The Women's History Banquet will be held Saturday, March 7, at the American Legion Hall, 515 E. 2nd North St. beginning at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 and are available at the Mountain Home Historical Museum, 180 S. 3rd East St. Reservations also can be made by calling the museum at 587-6847...
Animal Cruelty - ID cruelty bill: animal advocates, ag collaborate
(Features ~ 02/17/09)
BOISE, Idaho (AP) _ A renewed push to toughen Idaho's animal cruelty law has brought animal welfare activists and the agricultural community together in an unusual truce. A bill before the Legislature and scheduled for discussion Thursday was written by Stop Torturing Our Pets, an Idaho animal welfare group that has worked toward consensus this year by seeking input from the state's largest agriculture groups...
Banana fritters: a New Orleans breakfast classic
(Health ~ 02/17/09)
Whether or not you live in New Orleans, Mardi Gras is a fine excuse to sample one of the city's breakfast staples. These banana fritters _ something of a cross between a doughnut and a pancake _ are as good pan-fried like a traditional pancake as they are deep-fried as called for by the recipe...
RMEF banquet tickets on sale.
(Local News ~ 02/17/09)
Tickets are now available for the 17th Annual Elmore County Chapter Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Banquet, which will be held March14, beginning at 5 p.m., at the Gunfighter Club on base. The largest banquet held in the area each year, the event has space for 375 persons to attend, and it usually sells out quickly. Tickets are available from banquet chairman Jeff Day by calling 587-9570, or calling Troy at T&V Marine at 587-9803. The cost is $20 for the prime rib dinner or $35 for a membership...
Pilot killed in plane crash in SE Elmore County (Local News ~ 02/17/09)
The wreckage of a plane that disappeared enroute from Caldwell to Centerville, Utah, was discovered Tuesday morning in a remote section of southeast Elmore County near the Twin Falls County line. The Twin Falls County Sheriff's office said the pilot of the plane, believed to be Craig Jewett of Utah, according to Caldwell Airport officials, did not survive the crash...
Stories from Tuesday, February 17, 2009
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