Citizens on Patrol provide vital services (Local News ~ 01/08/09)
Citizens on Patrol commander Kenneth Robertson would prefer his patrol time to be busy but doesn't mind when things are slow because it means people are behaving themselves. Other than scaring a few kids out of Carl Miller Park after the park was closed, the night of Saturday Oct. 19 was a slow night on his patrol... -
Elmore County Sheriff Department Activity Report for Dec. 31, 2008 - Jan. 6, 2009 (Sirens ~ 01/08/09)
December 31 01:01 Open 06:34 Citizen Assist 06:38 Stolen Vehicle 06:58 Slide Off 10:20 Reckless 10:51 Abandoned Vehicle 12:02 Abandoned Vehicle 12:53 Civil 12:58 Welfare 13:25 Trespassing 13:42 Hazard 14:53 Traffic 14:58 Vehicle Stop 15:34 Vehicle Stop 15:53 Vehicle Stop 16:02 Vehicle Stop 16:09 Vehicle Stop 16:30 Vehicle Stop 16:34 Papers Served 17:00 Papers Served 17:24 Civil Matter 17:53 Vehicle Stop 18:10 Abandoned Vehicle 18:12 Vehicle Stop 18:15 Papers Served 18:22 Vehicle Stop 18:30 Vehicle Stop 18:59 Vandalism 19:16 Assist 19:24 Vehicle Stop 19:25 Traffic 19:38 Motorist Assist 19:39 Vehicle Stop 19:47 Vehicle Stop 19:53 Vehicle Stop 20:06 Vehicle Stop 20:35 Collision Unknown 21:15 Vehicle Stop 22:15 Vehicle Stop 22:15 Vehicle Stop 22:22 Vehicle Stop 22:49 Vehicle Stop 22:53 Suspicious 23:42 Vehicle Stop. ...
Stories from Thursday, January 8, 2009
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