From AFAD spectator to AFAD chairman (Features ~ 09/03/14)
When Ted Thompson and his family first moved to Mountain Home, they were quickly introduced to the community's largest annual observance. When they attended their first Air Force Appreciation Day celebration, Thompson never guessed he would one day lead the effort... -
Pat Dinwiddie (Obituary ~ 09/03/14)
Patricia Dolores Dinwiddie was born on Feb. 13, 1930, in Tacoma, Wash., to Steven and Ellie McCormick. She died in Boise, Idaho on Aug. 24, 2014, at the age of 84, following complications of surgery. Pat's childhood was spent living in various cities in Washington before the family moved to Los Angeles, where she attended Immaculate Heart High School... -
City mulls increase to water, wastewater fees (Local News ~ 09/03/14)
Water and sewer rates in Mountain Home could increase soon by 4 percent each after the city council took a preliminary vote in favor of raising the fees during a public meeting Aug. 25. According to city clerk Nina Patterson, the revised water rates would increase from $16.10 to $16.75 for the first 5,000 gallons customers use each month. The charge for those using more than 5,000 gallons per month would climb from 96 cents to $1 for each additional 1,000 gallons that people use...