Free Adult Community Support Group (S.H.A.R.E) with licensed counselors. Thurs. 6-7:30pm at the Jones Center, 950 N 7th E. (across the parking lot from the Nazarene Church). tfn
Overeaters Anonymous meeting, Thurs. 7pm. Bethany 208.724.0761. tfn
“We Need You” The Citizens on Patrol are a team of civilian volunteers that are vital part of the Mountain Home Police Department. If you want to be part of the team contact any COP member or the Mountain Police Department at (208) 587-2101 and ask for Lieutenant Kyle Holloway. tfn
The Elmore County Citizens Patrol Inc. is a group of volunteer community members engaged in the neighborhood watch. We are actively seeking additional members. You must be 21 years old to become a member. For more information, contact Cliff Hare at 208.590.9354. tfn
New AA speaker meeting, Saturdays, 7pm at the First Congregational Church, 515 E 15th St., Mtn Home, enter in back. Contact Paul 208-789-7569. Speakers needed.tfn
United survivors narcotics anonymous group meets Wednesday at 7:00 pm and Friday at 5:00 pm. at Doyle Ray Hope Center, 1140 Airbase Road. tfn
Free2Succeed - Idaho Department of Corrections community mentoring program, connecting volunteer mentors with individuals returning home from prison. We need male & female mentors in MH area. 208.696.1711 or vstucky tfn
Society of St. Vincent de Paul holds a Food Pantry on the 4th Tuesday of every month at Good Counsel Hall, 342 E Jackson St. Times are posted, outside, on our sign, the week prior. We are currently holding a drive through distribution only. tfn
Positive Vibes Support Group. Meeting Every 3rd Monday of each month at 6:00 PM at American Legion Post #26, 515 E 2nd South, Mountain Home, ID 83647. Contact James Bradshaw at 208-590-3528 tfn
Overeaters Anonymous meeting, Thurs. 7pm. Bethany 208.724.0761. tfn
Volunteers needed to work four hour shifts at the Desert Mountain Visitor Center. Greet and assist people from all over the world in an enjoyable atmosphere. For more information or to volunteer, call 587-4334. tfn
We need adult volunteers to work with foster children as Court Appointed Special Advocates in Elmore County. Interested in volunteering? Contact Family Advocates at Or 208.345.3344. tfn
Veterans needing assistance may contact the American Legion Post 26 Service Officer at 208.587.3447. tfn
St. Luke’s Elmore Volunteer Services 208-587-6290 tfn
Friends of the NRA. Looking for board members & dedicated volunteers. 208.587.5372 & 850.2788. tfn
Gunfighter VFW Post 5423 meets the 2nd Wed. of each month 6pm at the Legion Hall. All Veterans of Foreign Wars are welcome. tfn
Farm and Pets
Shih Tze puppies for sale with shots. 2 female, 2 male.$500 (208) 230-4445 (208) 366-6101 28-31
Real Estate
Want a deal? Better Hurry! This lovely home was built to withstand time. Too many upgrades to list, all work done & restored in basement, since small fire 12 years ago, was done by pros & signed off by state. 4 bed, 2 bath, two laundry rooms, 1 up 1 down, total garage rebuild in 2009. Estimated appraisal 380k. Zoned commercial. 2200 liveable sq ft, 310 N 9th E, Mountain Home. Buy now or cry later, instant equity. Ozzy Jay Streeter. (208) 590-3313.
Several 2 and 3 bedrooms available. Owners park. 1 small pet allowed, second pet considered. Application and down payment required. (986) 200-8940 voicemail. 22-34
WAITLIST OPEN - Affordable HOUSING 1,2 and 3 beds. (208)587-8632 29-31
Shinobi Window Cleaning & Pressure Washing. Residential, Commercial Window Cleaning . Industrial & Fleet Vehicle Cleaning . Interior & Exterior . screen cleaning . tracks . gutter cleaning . building washing & more 208.995.4332 tfn