Council addresses rate increases

Wednesday, February 19, 2025
During a previous meeting, the city council received a report regarding the upgrades the city’s water treatment complex on the south side of town needs once the number of homes and other residential units in town reach a certain level.
Photo by John Matthews

Concerns regarding proposed increases to the amount of money people in Mountain Home pay for water and wastewater rates took the stage as members of the public met before the mayor and members of the city council during a meeting Feb. 11.

At issue were two resolutions aimed at increasing those utility rates by five percent starting March 1 in addition to transferring additional funds from the city’s general fund to cover operating expenses at the Desert Canyon Golf Course.

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  • Well isn’t that special. Fasten your seatbelt folks. This is the tip of the iceberg. Our economy is coming down, thanks to your boy Donny and President Elon.

    -- Posted by homedog1 on Wed, Feb 19, 2025, at 4:41 PM
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