Letter to the Editor

Kudos to county law enforcement for their help

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Dear editor,

I’d like to take the time to credit two of Elmore County’s finest – Elmore County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Searles and Sgt. Brian Halderman. I’m referring to the knowledge of these LEO – law enforcement officers’ – knowledge of laws and their professional courtesy.

On Monday, Jan. 13, I needed their encouragement and intervention on a private matter. I had misplaced my cell phone and had no intentions of disturbing my neighbors as it was approximately 7:30 p.m.

I wasn’t capable of communicating with non-emergency dispatch but felt distressed. I said to myself, “think, Rhonda, think…”

I got in my vehicle and began driving around Glenns Ferry hoping to spot an ECSO cruiser. I continued driving for more than a half hour, then I finally spotted two ECSO cruisers heading south on South Commercial Ave.

I elected to follow them.

I safely pulled up alongside one of the cruisers, and Deputy Searles approached me.

“Hi, Rhonda. What’s up?”

Not wanting to distract from the situation they needed to deal with, I was brief with my issue. Deputy Searles and Sergeant Haldeman agreed to meet with me at my home once they “cleared” from their location.

When they arrived at my home, I explained why I needed their advice. After being briefed, Deputy Searles stated to me,” I’ve never seen anyone who had this as well documented as you have.”

Sergeant Haldeman also provided me with grat legal advice for my own protection.

To Deputy Searles and Sergeant Haldeman, you two win the “Best Service Award” of the year. Also, kudos to Sheriff Mike Hollinshead. Thanks to all of Elmore County’s finest.

Respectfully and sincerely,

– Rhonda O’Hanley, Glenns Ferry

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