Letter to the Editor

Voting against Proposition 1 was good idea

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Dear editor –

This message is for all registered and active voters in Elmore County.

I don’t know about you, but the week of Oct. 28, 2024, I received (in my personal USPS mail box, a deceitful and propaganda flyer from advocates / proponents “pushing” in favor of “Vote For / Yes” on Proposition 1 in Idaho. This flyer immediately went into the trash can!

The Proposition 1 advocates did their best to convince many voters “it would be a good thing,” and for their work, I’m giving them credit.

No doubt, “they” are disappointed and frustrated Proposition 1 failed in Idaho.

The flip side of the coin is I am not one to be led to the slaughter like a lamb, nor will I ever easily convinced of anything.

I make my own decisions as I see fit. Now I can hardly wait to know what they’ll attempt to pull out of their “bag of tricks” next.

– Rhonda O’Hanley, Glenns Ferry

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  • Wasn’t it though? How are you now Rhonda? Anyone you know lost their jobs in the past month? Did Donny lower the cost of eggs for you? No? Well isn’t that a shame. Maybe he needs to get off his fat a$$ and go to work instead of golfing and posing in drag with a crown on.

    Are you ready to lose your right to vote?

    -- Posted by homedog1 on Wed, Feb 19, 2025, at 4:39 PM
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