Letter to the Editor

Proposition One: A left-wing power scheme

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Dear editor,

I recently received the voting information on Proposition One, which the leftist sponsors are calling an “open primaries” initiative. This is nothing more than a disguise for the “Ranked Choice Voting” revision of our state election laws, with the intent of turning Idaho into another California or Oregon.

The text of Prop One takes eight pages of fine print to describe, and it has very little to do with an “open primary.” Alaska has had this system of deciding an election for several years, and here is how it worked in 2022:

There were two Republicans, one Democrat and several independent party candidates on the Congressional ballot in Alaska.

The two Republicans each got 30 percent of the vote, and the one Democrat got about 25 percent with the remaining candidates splitting the rest.

After going through the lengthy and convoluted “Ranked Choice” process, the Democrat ended up somehow winning the election, and she is now the Congressional representative for Alaska. This is despite the fact that the two Republicans garnered a total of 60 percent on the first ballot.

Ranked Choice Voting is part of a systematic attempt to turn our Constitutional Republic into a far-left socialist state, with funding from leftist oligarchs like George Soros and Bill Gates. Voting for Prop One will give the far-left Democrats in Idaho a chance to take over the state legislature and state-wide offices, even though they are a small minority in Idaho.

I would like to remind everyone that the USA is a Constitutional Republic, not a “democracy,” which is nothing more than majority rule with no rights for minorities.

The “open primaries” are another far-left scheme to change Idaho’s legislature from a conservative majority to a leftist tool. I am a registered Republican, and I contribute money to the Republican Party.

The “open primaries” initiative will force me to accept votes in my Republican primary by people who are not members of my political party and do not share my political values. If Democrats want a say in the Republican candidates, they are free to join the Republican Party when they register to vote.

They do not want to do this, because their leftist friends might disapprove of their new registration. I personally disapprove of Idaho’s leftists trying to force me to accept their values in my election choices.

– Peter Humm,

Mountain Home

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