Letter to the Editor

County jail should rethink some of its regulations

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Dear editor,

I am currently an inmate at the Elmore County Jail for a DUI. I broke the law, so I deserve to be here from June 13 to July 13.

I am 65 years old. I have chronic psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis throughout my body; my hips and knees are the worst. The VA hospital will start replacing these joints hopefully soon after I finish my sentence. My right hip will not last much longer,

When being booked by “Dano,” I was asked an overview of health questions. I stressed the arthritis. I covered it with the nurse, also, as I have been in a lot of pain since being here.

The bunks are made of steel with a thin mattress, which offers no comfort to my joints, and the floors are concrete. Neither are conducive to arthritis.

I requested an extra mattress through medical. I was told I had to be 70+ or pregnant. Next time, I’ll be sure to be 70 or pregnant.

I’m a man by the way.

My wife tried to bring me prescribed pain medication but was not allowed. I guess they thought I was going to lick the lidocain off the patches to make my tongue numb, I was here a week before they deemed acceptable a couple of topical pain relief meds. I had been quite cranky by then to all: Guards, fellow inmates and especially the nurses. Poor gals. They don’t make the policies.

I’m much better now. I still have some apologies to make.

I could go on but won’t. I just wish the hierarchies of the jail would rethink some of their regulations.

– John Engebretson, Mountain Home

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