Elmore County Health Coalition Dec. 14, 2023
The Elmore County Health Coalition met this past week to discuss the upcoming year and what is in store for the communities health, both physical and emotional, with many dedicated county citizens that have many beneficial events for the upcoming year.
The coalition has made it clear that they not only will not just be focusing on the physical health of the community but a wide range of health aspects from mental health to financial health and student health with countless other aspects in between.
There are plans for the continuation of financial classes for vulnerable populations within the county, as well as cooking classes that focus on utilizing low income budgets to best serve the house unit’s needs. A representative from the Idaho Food Bank (IFB) informed the group that will IFB conducting instructor courses for people to learn how to teach these tailored cooking classes.
With talk of rekindling old treasures such as the yellow bench program and refocusing on the impacts suicide have within a schools community, there is clearly a high focus on the mental health of the younger population. A top priority of the St. Luke’s representative.
It is clear that 2024 will be ushered in with high hopes and amazing programs for the success of our communities.