Nicole McGuffin Medical and Memorial Go-Fund Me

On July 23, 2023, Nicole McGuffin and her family traveled from their home in Mountain Home, Idaho to Spanish Fork, Utah to attend the annual rodeo as they have done for many years. They went to bed as any other night but for some reason that doctors have yet to understand, Nicole did not wake up the next morning. Her family called the paramedics who were able to restore her heartbeat and transport her to Utah Valley Hospital, where she was placed in the ICU. The hospital staff has worked tirelessly to find the cause and were initially hopeful that she could recover. To our great sadness scans have shown that her brain activity has continued to degrade and will continue to do so for the little time she had remaining. Her family was by her side as she left this life.
Nicole leaves behind her 3 beloved children: Eli, Gracie, and Gwennie, and her husband TJ. She also leaves behind an untold number of people whose lives she has touched with her genuine kindness and compassion. This fundraiser will assist her family with medical and memorial expenses. Any amount is greatly appreciated.