Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: Terry Sunderlin

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Hello citizens of Elmore County,

My name is Terry Sunderlin and I do volunteer work for the USGenWeb. The USGenWeb is a free website (www.usgenweb.com) that is dedicated to helping people do genealogy and help them find out information on their ancestors and their family history.

I am trying to document all of the gravesites within Elmore County. I have done mostly all of the cemeteries in Elmore County and a few individual gravesites.

I would like to request that if you know of an individual gravesite or maybe a few gravesites that are clumped together, could you please send me an email (sunderlint@gmail.com) letting me know the location of it/them? After all, these individuals are someone’s ancestors and there are descendants out there who would like to know where they are buried. We would like to get these recorded for use in the future.

I would like to thank you in advance and I do appreciate any information that you can provide me.

Thank You,

Terry Sunderlin


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