City Council Meeting 12.12
In a short City Council meeting on Monday the 12th, the Mountain Home City Council met to conduct some exciting business. After brief department head reports, Rich Urquidi, Public Works Director, gave a report on the state of the city’s sewer pools, noting that the pools at the time of the meeting were holding 268 million gallons, up from 206 million on October 1 of this year.
Then, city staff as well as members of the public expressed their gratitude for the city’s and volunteers’ diligence in clearing the streets of snow and ice following a slew of winter weather. Following this, the consent agenda was passed.
This lead to new business, and the resignation of Council President Brad Stokes. After hefty applause and words of thanks from the audience and councilmembers alike, Brad Stokes hit the road with haste. Councilman Brennan made a recommendation that Councilwoman Garvey be appointed the new council president, and made a motion as such. The motion passed unanimously. After this, James Green, who has served on the library board for the past four years, was brought before the council and a motion was made to appoint him to fill the vacated council seat for the remainder of Brad Stokes’ term. The motion was approved unanimously after some questions from Councilman Brennan. Afterwards, the meeting was adjourned.