Idaho Water Resource Board approves funding for major water infrastructure projects
(Sept. 19, 2022) – The Idaho Water Resource Board voted to spend approximately $87 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds on a number of major water infrastructure projects statewide in its regular meeting on Friday held at the Community Campus here in Hailey, Idaho.
The Board authorized spending $72.9 million to pay for the state’s share of the cost to raise Anderson Ranch Dam by six feet to create an additional 29,000 acre-feet of storage water; $8.3 million for two, new Upper Snake Basin aquifer-recharge projects to benefit the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer (ESPA); and $5 million for the initial costs associated with design and contracting the Mountain Home Water Resiliency project, a pump station and pipeline from the Snake River to the Mountain Home Air Force Base for municipal water supply.