2022 Political Forum District 8
The 2022 Political Forum was held at the Elk’s Lodge on Tuesday, May 3rd. The Moderator for the evening was Jimmy Schipani, and the event was hosted by the Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce.
The purpose of this forum was for the public to have the ability to ask questions and find out more about the participating candidates the upcoming elections on May 17th.
Excerpts taken from Bios provided by Chamber
Rob Beiswenger, Legislative District 8A. Beiswenger and his family moved to Idaho in 2019. Last fall Rep. Dorothy Moon asked him to fill her seat.
Representative Matthew Bundy, State Representative, Position 8A - Bundy spent 20 years in the US Air Force and also spent 18 years as a teacher at a great rural high school, teaching, learning from and working with the future leaders of our communities.
Terry Gestrin - State Senator District 8. Gestrin is a 4th generation Valley County resident with a great love of Idaho and its resources.
Gary Freeman - State Senator District 8. Freeman is at heart an Idaho farm boy and loves to interact with those from all walks of life.
Jon Krueger - State Senator District 8. Kruger spent 20 years serving in the US Air Force. He has an unyielding belief in the Rights of the people, guaranteed by the US Constitution
Geoffrey Schroeder - State Senator District 8B. - Schroeder lived a rural life for the first 18 years of his life and has the ability to understand the needs of those who cherish a remote rural lifestyle.