Monserrat Maria Muzzy

Monserrat Maria Muzzy-December 7, 1935– January 31, 2022
Monserrat Maria Muzzy was born in Fregenal de la Sierra, Badajoz, Spain. Her parents were taken from her early in life at was 4 years old, she went to live with her Aunt and family. She had three brothers, Vicente, Juan and Angel; they were raised by different family members.
My Mom learned her love for nature, flowers, climbing fig trees, keeping an immaculate home, taking care of everything she owned from her childhood in Spain. She moved to Madrid, Spain, when she was (16) she was a Maid and Nanny. She met my Dad, in her early 20’s, there was much love to share, but the 1960’s did not allow wealthy people to marry beneath their means.
I was born to their love, September 28, 1960. My Mom was a single parent in 1960, she was strong, fierce, protective, and she had tremendous perseverance to survive any circumstances. All the qualities she carried and shared her whole life.
She met Earl R. Orbin, an American Airman, assigned to Rota, Spain, in 1962. She made a decision to leave her Country, her brothers, her supportive, loving network of friends, marry Earl R. Orbin and come to the United States.
We three, left Spain in 1963, transferred to Mtn. Home Idaho Air Force Base. There she met the most loving, kind people that would become our first American Family, Kenneth and Mary Lou Ogden. The whole family welcomed and loved us. My Mom loved them very much. Mary Lou was the Sister she never had.
My Sister Yvonne St. Cyr was born, March 30, 1967; we were transferred to Taipei City, Taiwan. There we met the second most important person in my Mom’s life journey, Father Albert Lopez, a Jesuit Priest, also from Spain. He embraced and loved, helped our family and he helped me to truly know the love of our Lord and Blessed Mother. I learned to recognize miracles.
Fr. Lopez stayed in our lives, visiting Mtn. Home, for many years following meeting him in 1968.
The transfers with the Air Force took us to Manilla, Philippines and Mobile, Alabama, to then return to Mtn. Home Idaho, 1970.
My Sister, Michelle L. Axford, was born September 25, 1971.
My Mom’s Spanish best friend, Mercedes Morris helped my Mom get a job as a Custodian in the Mtn. Home School District; she worked at North Elementary for 16 years. She loved her Principals, Teachers and the students. She took great pride in her school, she spoke highly of her teacher friends, and she was very accepted and loved. Thank you for all of those years.
In 1999, she married Roger E. Muzzy Jr. her longtime custodian friend. They made a beautiful life together, living in Mtn. Home, until they moved to Boise, in 2003. True to his word, he took care of my Mom and her daughters; he has been loving, supportive, kind, solid and a great companion to my Mom. They shared their love of animals. He turns 92, Feb. 23, 2022.
She is survived by her husband – Roger E. Muzzy Jr., Daughter’s- Montse Burkhart, Yvonne St. Cyr (Troy) Michelle Axford ( Adam) 4th daughter by choice, Concepcion McCandlish (Steve), Stepson Roger E. Muzzy 3rd (Lana) Step daughter Rose and family. Grandchildren, Autumn Burkhart, Cory Orcutt, Jessica Johnson, Kayla Rodriguez, Sydney Reed, Cody St. Cyr, Samantha Harrison, Anna Muzzy; Great Grandchildren – Ryan, River, Kaysen, Taylor, Ryane, Daniel, Dylnn, Samson, JJ Harper Mabel, Solomon, Vincent.
She is preceded in Death by her family in Spain, Fr. Al Lopez, Mary Lou Ogden, Mercedes Morris, best friends and her Grandson–Jordan Westley Burkhart.