Bullying & Cyberbullying Symposium

Last Tuesday’s Bullying & Cyberbullying Symposium held at Mountain Home Junior High School was an event that was full of information and eye-opening, to say the least.
It was hosted by the City of Mountain Home and MHAFB School Liaison, Allen “Nix” Niksich. In attendance were MHAFB Wing Commander Col. DiVittorio, Col. Mayes - Sr. Military Liaison to Schools and additional Base Leadership along with Mountain Home Mayor Sykes, Elmore County Sheriff Mike Hollinshead, and Superintendent of Schools – James Gilbert, Victor Dominguez, IICACC, to mention a few. Also in attendance were teachers, law enforcement, counselors, students and family members, who came to hear and discuss what has become an “epidemic” in our nation, including our very own Mountain Home.