Statewide ‘Sticker Shock’ campaign aims to curb underage drinking this holiday season

Boise, Idaho (November 26th) – A youth-led initiative to change adult attitudes about selling and providing alcohol to minors launchED on Black Friday, November 26th, at liquor stores across the state. This public awareness campaign represents a continuing partnership between The Idaho Office of Drug Policy (ODP), the Idaho State Liquor Division (ISLD), and 19 community prevention organizations to bring attention to the issue of underage drinking during the holiday season—when youth are more likely to get alcohol from adults they already know. “We know that 43 percent of Idaho youth who drink underage usually obtain alcohol by someone giving it to them, including through adults 21 and older who can purchase it legally,” said Marianne King, Director of the Idaho Office of Drug Policy.Students from local community and school-based leadership groups are working with participating ISLD stores to spread “Sticker Shock” waves across Idaho. Their goal: reach adults who might be willing to buy alcohol for — or make alcohol available to — youth under 21.