2021 AFAD Cancelled
September 1, 2021 - In light of the current health care situation, the Air Force Appreciation Day (AFAD) Committee has decided to cancel the current events scheduled for this year.
After discussion with St. Luke’s, Central District Health, and the Mountain Home Air Force Base Leadership it was decided that it was in the best interest of not only our community but more importantly our local military members, to cancel the event. With our health care on the brink of critical care designation and the importance of keeping our military member's mission ready, we could not in good conscience host such a large event. The mission and purpose of Air Force Appreciation Day is to honor our military members and celebrate them.
The committee felt gathering, and possibly spreading Covid-19throughoutour community, the military members, and their dependents was not in line with our mission. This unfortunate decision had to be made just short of 10 days to our event. We understand that many people have spent money, time, and effort in support of this event, and for that we are sorry. This decision did not come easily or hastily to the committee. We are in the process of reaching out to all our boosters, sponsors, event participants, and vendors about their financial stake in the event. We hope to still hold a safe event to our honor our Air Force, but those details are still being determined by the committee. Please be patient with us, as we navigate these conditions and decide how best to honor our military members. If you have any questions, please contact the chairperson, Betsy Hiddleston, directly at 208.724.3514or the Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce at 208.587.4334. Thank you, Betsy Hiddleston AFAD Chairperson