Reader asks for Gofundme donations
The CDC recently announced they were aware of rare cases in which people who got the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine contracted a nervous system disorder which leads to paralysis. It appears Doug Cameron, a farmer from Hammett, is one of those rare cases. He is now at the U of U Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital in Salt Lake City wondering if he'll ever walk again.
"I was hoping that when I retired I'd be working on my dreams, but I had no intention of working on my dreams in a wheelchair," Doug said. "So, I'm gonna have to learn new dreams, I guess."
A GoFundMe for the Camerons and a video ( telling his story has been posted on YouTube. In one day people donated more than $6,000 to help with hospital bills, ongoing care costs, and a wheelchair accessible vehicle for Doug.
To view the GoFundMe, please visit:
Jeff Platt