A Message from Rep. Christy Zito
There are many who have chosen to make Idaho home. What is important is their love, devotion, and desire to protect the freedom of our state and nation.
We need unity, not division. I will always work for unity, and to secure the promise of liberty and responsibility. As I write this we are over half way through the legislative session. I wish I could report that legislation had been passed to balance the powers of the executive and the legislative branch, it has not. Hopefully, soon we will see something we can vote on.
The Idaho Small Arms Protection Act, is still waiting for a hearing in the Senate State Affairs committee. Senator Lodge has been asked to grant a hearing, she sent us to a Senator, who we previously consulted.
The Idaho Small Arms Protection Act, was written by top 2A attorneys in this country.
We have welcomed all suggestions, made changes, offered to meet with any legislator, with ISAA legal counsel, to answer questions about the legislation.
In all honesty, the politics of personalities is not the way we should be doing business in this state.
You would not think so difficult to pass gun legislation in Idaho that has been carefully crafted by top second amendment legal minds.