Irrigation Legislation Progresses
Last week saw the Senate and House discuss several bills relating to Idaho’s irrigation and water management. The Senate passed S1072 and S1074, which both aim to improve Idaho’s irrigation management systems. S1072 would modify irrigation district board member requirements to broaden the pool of candidates eligible for filling vacancies, while S1074 would clarify the rights and obligations of irrigation management entities. Meanwhile, H182 was referred to the House Resources and Conservation Committee. This legislation would streamline the process by which canal company boundaries are adjusted.
The Senate also passed an appropriation for the Department of Water Resources. S1121 transfers $50,000,000 from the General Fund to the Water Management Fund. These funds are directed to the Anderson Ranch Reservoir Enlargement Project, and aquifer recharge projects in the Upper Snake River Valley and the Mountain Home Air Force Base water supply. The bill is now scheduled for a vote in the House.