School District unveils possible re-opening plan
On the minds of parents and educators around the country right now is “how” and “if” schools will be re-opening on time for the school year. Recently the Mountain Home School District sent attachments of their proposed plan in emails to parents within the district, encouraging them to contact the administration with their questions and concerns. The document is also available to the school website and on their Facebook page.
This proposal was voted on by the Board of Trustees on Tuesday, July 21st, with the decision not being available until after this paper goes to press, so as of right now it is unclear whether the plan will be implemented as written.
Children within the district have the option of opting out of returning to regular school and continuing to learn online for the upcoming school year. Those students will be provided with curriculum, Chromebooks and even a hot spot if internet is unavailable in the home.
For those choosing to send their children back to normal school an outline of three different categories has been given, with requirements and restrictions being different in each one based off of the number of cases around the community.For the full story, pick up a copy of the Mountain Home News or click on this link to subscribe to the newspaper's online edition.