Spreading joy in Mountain Home

What do human dancing flower pots, adorable tiny dancers, and a mermaid have in common? A parade in the town of Mountain Home, ID. If you were lucky enough to see the car parade driving through town on Thursday, June 11, you were most likely waving and smiling at the twenty seven community partners who were smiling, waving, and honking back at you.
Spreading joy throughout communities has been a theme for Treasure Valley Hospice the past few months, so they organized a parade. Bobbie Spencer, RN, COO for Treasure Valley Hospice in Mountain Home shared that her phone has been ringing off the hook all day with thanks and heartfelt gratitude for this fun community event. The parade route went through town to four assisted livings and one long term care facility. For the full story, pick up a copy of the Mountain Home News or click on this link to subscribe to the newspaper's online edition.