Memorial Day Ceremony takes place in limited capacity

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

American Legion Post 101 Mountain Home Idaho "stepped up to the plate" commented Post Commander Daryl Hinton as he and his officers recorded a Facebook Live ceremony to honor the fallen for the Memorial Day observance on May 25, 2020 that the paper staff had the honor to attend. He also said that "it was the right thing to do" with limited community activity allowances due to the COVID-19 group gatherings during these trying times for organizations and event holders. His words were shorter than the normal somber ceremony, but powerful as they took the opportunity to honor America’s Fallen Heroes, those that made the ultimate sacrifice of losing their lives, including the POW's and MIA still unaccounted for. Those heroes names from Idaho were read out loud and the empty chair ceremony representing those gone was displayed along with the hanging of wreaths represented by American Legion Post 101 and Auxiliary, Sons of American Legion, Disabled American Veterans Chapter 17 and Auxiliary, American Legion Riders, The Merchant Marines and The Airborne were presented and displayed as well. It was a small local gathering of Veterans, EMTS, Post members and those aware of the mornings event. Others who were present at the time honoring their own family graves deeply appreciated hearing the post’s efforts. The cemetery was beautiful with flags flying and the graves adorned with American Flags. The mornings activities also included the Firing of a Gun Salute over the graves of the fallen. The ceremony is available on Post 101's Facebook page.

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    I might be considered biased since I was part of the great team that held this service, but this one had to be one of the best ever held. Things were modified to meet current social distancing requirements. When we went back that evening to take down flags that surrounded the Cemetery, we were still receiving praise from people that were able to watch it and then come pay their respects in the evening.

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Wed, May 27, 2020, at 7:02 PM
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