School District #193
Good morning,
There will be no school on Tuesday, March 17th. Over the next two days, March 17th and 18th, schools will be open for parents and students to come in and retrieve their items from school. They will also be issued their Chromebooks when they come in. School is canceled completely until March 30th. Over the next two weeks additional information will continue to be sent to parents through email, social media, text, and phone calls. We are anticipating an extended closure of schools, possibly until the end of the school year. The next two weeks will continue to allow us to build our remote learning programs. These programs may look very different from kindergarten through high school. For many grades it is likely that much of what is done will be online, for others it may be information that is emailed to students and parents on a regular basis, for others it may be occasionally picking up packets of work. This is a work in progress. I know this is not ideal, but it is where we are at. We are also working on a plan to have lunches for students to pick up during the closure. You will receive additional information on the academic plan and school lunch plan in the next several days and weeks.
I know there is a lot of fear and anxiety with what is going on in our country and around the world. This is no different for our school staff. We all have a part in helping slow this infection down to keep from overwhelming our hospitals. The steps we do to help are most certainly going to disrupt everyone’s way of life for the unforeseeable future, but it must be done. I am certain the community of Mountain Home will do our part in fighting the battle. Through social distancing and proper hygiene, we can slow the spread of the virus. I encourage all of you to follow the protocols that are being recommend by state and federal agencies. Let’s unite as a community for the common good of all.
James Gilbert
Mountain Home School District #193